I've been spending a lot of time over
here lately. I'm enjoying having all the inspirational ideas, photos and just plain neat things all in one place and all organized just the way I like it. My only complaint is so many ideas and too little time. But I have manged to complete a few of the crafty ideas and have even tried some new recipes this week.
Here's one project I completed over the weekend where the inspiration come from one of my pins.
I think they came out pretty cute and I already had everything so it was free. I think these would be so cute in some brighter colors too, like yellow or turquoise.
If you're interested in making some here's what you'll need....clean jars w/ labels removed, I think mine where salsa jars, rubber bands and spray paint. That's it. Just put the rubber bands in whatever pattern you like, you can overlap them then just spay paint right over them. Give paint a minute or two to dry and remove rubber bands. So easy and you've got some new candle holders or even a vase.